SQL views i Geogis2020
SQL views i Geogis2020
Regionerne (Unlicensed)
Owned by Regionerne (Unlicensed)
Nedenstående er nogle sql-views som Tom Birch Hansen har lavet, som kan bruges til diverse udtræk.
Grundlæggende er det tabeldata + basisdata fra overordnede punkt/projekt + kodelisteværdier i læselig form
AnalysisSamples Expand source
/** lavet af Tom Birch Hansen /** sidst opdateret d. 2017-08-17 CREATE view [dbo].[TBH_AnalysisSample] AS SELECT s.SampleId ,s.sampleno ,s.PointId ,p.PointNo ,p.PublicNo ,pj.ProjectNo ,pj.ProjectId ,s.MediumId as MediumK ,am.Medium as MediumT ,s.Depth1 ,s.Depth2 ,i.Depth1 as indtagdybde1 ,i.Depth2 as indtagdybde2 ,s.IntakeNo ,s.SampleDate ,s.ReportDate ,s.ReportNo ,s.LaboratoryId as LaboratoryK ,al.Laboratory as LaboratoryT ,s.[SampleTypeId] as SampleTypeK ,sType.SampleType as SampleTypeT ,pp.PhaseStart ,pp.Description as projektfaseBeskrivelse ,ascompany.CompanyId as SampleCompanyID ,ascompany.Name as SampleCompanyName -- ,p.Z1-s.depth1 as Dybde1Kote -- ,p.Z1-s.depth2 as Dybde2Kote FROM [dbo].[AnalysisSamples] as s inner join dbo.Points as p on s.PointId=p.PointId inner join dbo.Projects as pj on p.ProjectId=pj.ProjectId left join dbo.AnalysisMedia as am on s.MediumId=am.MediumId left join dbo.Intakes as i on s.IntakeNo=i.IntakeNo and s.pointid=i.PointId left join dbo.ProjectPhases as pp on s.PhaseId=pp.PhaseId left join dbo.AnalysisLaboratories as al on s.LaboratoryId=al.LaboratoryId LEFT JOIN dbo.Companies as ascompany on s.SamplingOrgId=ascompany.CompanyId LEFT JOIN dbo.AnalysisSampleTypes as sType on s.SampleTypeId=stype.SampleTypeId LEFT JOIN dbo.AnalysisSampleLocationTypes as aslt on s.SampleLocationTypeId=aslt.SampleLocationTypeId LEFT JOIN dbo.AnalysisSampleLocations as asl on s.SampleLocationId=asl.SampleLocationId
Intake Expand source
/** lavet af Tom Birch Hansen /** sidst opdateret d. 2017-07-15 CREATE view [dbo].[TBH_intake] as SELECT i.[IntakeId] ,i.[PointId] ,p.PointNo ,p.PublicNo ,p.Synonym ,p.pointtype as pointtypeK ,pj.ProjectNo ,pj.projectid ,i.[Intake] ,i.[IntakeNo] ,i.[ScreenNo] ,i.[StringNo] ,i.[Description] ,i.[Diameter] ,i.[Diametermm] ,i.[Top] ,i.[Bottom] ,i.[IntakeDistance] -- blindrør ,i.[IntakeLength] -- indtagslængde -- ,i.[IntakeWidth] ,i.[Material] -- materiale af røret ,i.[Depth1] ,i.[Depth2] ,p.Z1 - i.Depth1 as Level1 ,p.Z1 - i.Depth2 as Level2 -- ,i.[LayerId] -- ,i.[LayerIdList] -- ,i.[TValue] -- ,i.[SValue] -- ,i.[Aquifertype] -- ,i.[SpecificCapacity] -- ,i.[Efficiency] -- ,i.[BarometicEfficiency] ,i.[Reference] -- reference i tekst ,i.[ReferenceLevel] -- referencekote ,p.z1+i.[top] as ReferenceLevel_Calculated -- beregnet referencekote ud fra borings z og indtag top -- ,i.[Correction] -- ,i.[TriggerLevel] -- ,i.[AmberLevel] ,i.[VerticalRefId] ,vr.VerticalRef -- ,i.[StartDate] -- ,i.[Enddate] -- ,i.[FRefCom] -- ,i.[FRefJob] -- ,i.[FRefBor] -- ,i.[ScreenDiameter] -- ,i.[ScreenDiametermm] -- ,i.[Correction2] ,i.[WaterSounding] -- pejlbar FROM [dbo].[Intakes] as i inner join dbo.Points as p on i.PointId=p.PointId inner join dbo.Projects as pj on p.ProjectId=pj.ProjectId left join dbo.VerticalRefs as vr on i.VerticalRefId=vr.VerticalRefId
Point Expand source
/** lavet af Tom Birch Hansen /** sidst opdateret d. 2017-08-21 CREATE VIEW [dbo].[TBH_point] AS SELECT p.[PointId] -- pointid ,p.[PointNo] -- pointnumer ,p.[PublicNo] -- DGU nummer ,p.[Synonym] ,pr.[ProjectNo] -- projektnummeret ,pr.Location as jarlok -- jar-loknr ,pr.[Title] as ProjectTitle ,p.[ProjectId] ,p.[Description1] ,p.[Description2] ,p.[Description3] ,p.[PointType] as PointTypeK ,pType.[Description] as PointTypeT ,case when ptype.pointgroup='1. boring' and p.[AbandonDate] is not null then 'Boring, sløjfet' when ptype.pointgroup='1. boring' and filtersat.pointid is not null then 'Boring, filtersat' when ptype.pointgroup='1. boring' and filtersat.pointid is null then 'Boring, ikke filtersat' when ptype.pointtype='O' or ptype.pointtype='OBL' or ptype.pointtype='S' then 'overfladeprøve' when p.[use]='VA' then 'Boring, afværge' -- ny when p.[use]='C' then 'Brønd' -- ny when ptype.pointtype='VA' then 'vandprøve, ikke boring' when ptype.pointtype='BP' or ptype.pointtype='KP' then 'prøve fra gravning' when ptype.pointtype='AG' then 'afgravning' when ptype.pointtype='MI' then 'prøve fra mile/jordbunke' when ptype.pointtype='A' then 'anlæg' -- ny . til afværgeanlæg when ptype.pointtype='UL' or ptype.pointtype='ULREF' then 'Luftprøve, udeluft' when ptype.pointtype='IL' or ptype.pointtype='ILREF' then 'Luftprøve, indendørs' when ptype.pointtype='MP' or ptype.pointtype='PL' then 'Luftprøve, poreluft' end as GISprøvestedstype -- En tolket prøvestedstype til brug som signatur på punktet i RM's GIS ,p.[PhaseId] as PhaseK -- kode for hvilken fase datapunktet knytter sig til ,projectphase.Description as PhaseT -- navnet på projektfasen som punkten tilknytter isg ,p.[Purpose] as PurposeK ,pPurpose.Description as PurpostT ,p.[Use] as UseK ,puse.Description as UseT ,p.[Method] as MethodK ,pmethod.[Description] as MethodT ,p.[WaterSounding] as Pejlbar ,p.[Top] as [Top] ,p.Z1 - p.[Top] as zTop ,p.[Bottom] as Bottom ,p.Z1 - p.[bottom] as zBottom ,p.[MunicipalityNo] ,p.[Address] ,p.[Town] ,p.[Postalcode] as PostNr ,PostalCode.District as PostBy ,p.[DateStart] ,p.[DateEnd] -- boredato, prøvetagningsdato ,p.[AbandonDate] -- sløjfedato ,p.[AbandonCause] as AbandonCauseK -- sløjfeårsagkode ,pAbandonCause.Description as AbandonCauseT -- sløjfeårsag-tekst ,p.[AbandonContractorId] ,pAbandonContractor.Company as AbandonContractorT ,p.[Owner] ,p.[DataOwner] as DataOwnerK ,pDataOwner.[Description] as DataOwnerT ,p.[ContractorId] as PointContractorK ,pContractor.Company as PointContractorT ,p.[Contractor] as PointContractorText /* entreprenør i tekst */ ,p.[ContractorInitials] ,p.[GeoCompany] ,p.[GeoInitials] ,p.[Status] -- evt. status for hvor langt indtasting / boringen er nået ,p.[ExecutedBy] ,p.[ExecutedDate] ,p.[CheckedBy] ,p.[CheckedDate] ,p.[ApprovedBy] ,p.[ApprovedDate] -- ,p.[PlanEnclosure] -- ? -- ,p.[DateClose] ,p.[Projection1] as Projection1K ,pProjection.label as Projection1T ,p.[X1] as x1 ,p.[Y1] as y1 ,p.[Z1] as z1 ,p.AngleX ,p.AngleZ ,p.[VerticalRefId1] as VerticalRefId1 -- højdesystem ,p.[CoordinateMethod1] as CoordinateMethod1 ,pCoordinateMethod1.[Description] as CoordinateMethod1T ,p.[CoordinateSource1] as CoordinateSource1K ,pCoordinateSource.[Description] as CooridnateSourceT ,p.[ElevationMethod1] as ElevationMethod1 -- højdesystemmetode ,pElevationMethod1.[Description] as ElevationMethod1T -- højdesystemmetode ,p.[CoordinateQuality1] as CoordinateQuality1K ,pCoordinateQuality1.[Description] as CoordinateQuality1T /* ,p.[Projection2] ,p.[X2] ,p.[Y2] ,p.[CoordinateMethod2] ,p.[CoordinateSource2] ,p.[CoordinateQuality2] ,p.[VerticalRefId2] ,p.[Z2] ,p.[ElevationMethod2] */ -- ,p.[XUTM32EUREF89] -- ,p.[YUTM32EUREF89] -- ,p.[ZDVR90] /* ,p.[XLocal] ,p.[YLocal] ,p.[ZLocal] */ -- ,p.[AlignmentId] -- ,p.[Station] -- ,p.[Offset] -- ,p.[AreaId] -- ,p.[Marking] ,p.[Rig] as RigK ,prig.Description as RigT -- ,p.[Enclosure] -- ,p.[LinkId] -- ? -- ,p.[WKT] -- ,p.[Geom] -- ,p.[FRef] -- ? ,p.[FRefCom] ,p.[FRefJob] ,p.[FRefBor] -- ,p.[FRefBor2] -- ,p.[FRefDB] ,p.[Active] ,p.geom ,pr.[Locked] as projectLocked -- , case when (select top 1 1 from dbo.Intakes where dbo.Intakes.pointid=p.pointid)=1 then 1 else 0 end as ErFiltersat , case when filtersat.PointId is null then 0 else 1 end as ErFiltersat ,p.Sequence as rækkefølge FROM dbo.Points as p INNER JOIN dbo.Projects as pr ON p.ProjectId=pr.ProjectId LEFT JOIN dbo.projectPhases as projectphase ON p.PhaseId=projectphase.PhaseId LEFT JOIN dbo.Companies as prCompany -- company på projektet ON pr.CompanyId=prCompany.CompanyId LEFT JOIN dbo.Companies as pContractor -- contractor på punktet ON p.ContractorId=pContractor.CompanyId LEFT JOIN dbo.PointTypes as pType ON p.pointtype = pType.PointType and ptype.Setup='DK' LEFT JOIN dbo.PointUses as pUse ON p.[use] = pUse.[Use] and puse.Setup='DK' LEFT JOIN dbo.PostalCodes as PostalCode ON p.Postalcode = PostalCode.PostalCode LEFT JOIN dbo.Rigs as pRig ON p.Rig = pRig.Rig LEFT JOIN dbo.PointAbandonCauses as pAbandonCause ON p.AbandonCause = pAbandonCause.AbandonCause LEFT JOIN dbo.Companies as pAbandonContractor -- contractor på sløjfning ON p.AbandonContractorId=pAbandonContractor.CompanyId LEFT JOIN dbo.PointCoordinateMethods as pCoordinateMethod1 ON p.CoordinateMethod1 = PCoordinateMethod1.CoordinateMethod LEFT JOIN dbo.PointCoordinateQualities as pCoordinateQuality1 ON p.CoordinateQuality1 = pCoordinateQuality1.Setup LEFT JOIN dbo.PointDataOwners as pDataOwner ON p.DataOwner = pDataOwner.DataOwner LEFT JOIN dbo.PointElevationMethods as pElevationMethod1 ON p.ElevationMethod1 = pElevationMethod1.ElevationMethod LEFT JOIN dbo.PointMethods as pMethod ON p.Method=pmethod.Method and pmethod.Setup='DK' LEFT JOIN dbo.PointPurposes as pPurpose ON p.Purpose=pPurpose.Purpose and pPurpose.Setup='DK' LEFT join dbo.Projections as pProjection ON p.Projection1=pProjection.Epsg LEFT JOIN [dbo].[PointDataSources] as pCoordinateSource on p.CoordinateSource1=pcoordinatesource.Datasource and pCoordinateSource.Setup='DK' /*LEFT join dbo.VerticalRefs as pVerticalRef1 on p.VerticalRefId1=pVerticalRef1.VerticalRef */ LEFT JOIN (Select I.pointid from dbo.Intakes as I group by I.PointId ) as filtersat on filtersat.PointId=p.PointId -- where p.[use]='va' GO
Project Expand source
/** lavet af Tom Birch Hansen /** sidst opdateret d. 2017-08-21 CREATE VIEW [dbo].[TBH_project] AS SELECT p.[ProjectId] ,p.[ProjectNo] -- p.[CompanyId] as companyK -- ,c.Name as companyNameT -- ,p.[CompanyName] -- ,p.[sProjectId] -- -- ,p.[ProjectNo2] -- ,p.[ProjectType] ,p.[Title] -- ,p.[LocationId] -- ,p.[JupiterId] -- ,p.[DataOwner] ,p.[Location] as jarlok ,p.[Description1] ,p.[Description2] ,p.[Description3] ,p.[Address] ,p.[Town] ,p.[Postalcode] ,p.[RegionNo] ,reg.[Region] ,p.[MunicipalityNo] ,MUN.Municipality -- ,p.[MunicipalityNo2] -- ,p.[Client] -- ,p.[Contractor] -- ,p.[Initials1] -- ,p.[Initials2] -- ,p.[Report] ,p.[Projection1] ,p.[X1] ,p.[Y1] -- ,p.[Projection2] -- ,p.[X2] -- ,p.[Y2] -- ,p.[XUTM32EUREF89] -- ,p.[YUTM32EUREF89] -- ,p.[DateStart] -- ,p.[DateEnd] /* ,p.[SyntaxId] ,p.[Interpretation] ,p.[SeriesId] ,p.[AutoGenerateStrata] ,p.[AutoGenerateStrataAtSamples] ,p.[AutoGenerateStrataIgnoreNoMatch] ,p.[MaxInterpolationLength] ,p.[Interpretation2] ,p.[SeriesId2] ,p.[AutoGenerateStrata2] ,p.[AutoGenerateStrataAtSamples2] ,p.[AutoGenerateStrataIgnoreNoMatch2] ,p.[MaxInterpolationLength2] ,p.[Setup] ,p.[LinkId] */ ,p.[Locked] ,p.[Url] -- ,p.[ProjectFolder] ,p.[Active] ,p.[Wkt] -- ,p.[Geom] -- ,p.[FRef] ,p.[FRefCom] ,p.[FRefJob] ,p.[Status] FROM [GeoGis2020].[dbo].[Projects] as p LEFT JOIN dbo.companies as c ON c.CompanyId = p.CompanyId LEFT JOIN [dbo].[Municipalities] as mun on p.MunicipalityNo=mun.MunicipalityNo LEFT JOIN [dbo].[Regions] as reg on p.RegionNo=reg.RegionNo GO
Samples Expand source
/** lavet af Tom Birch Hansen /** sidst opdateret d. 2015-12-15 CREATE view [dbo].[TBH_Samples] AS SELECT s.[PointId] ,s.[SampleId] ,s.[SampleNo] ,s.[SampleType] ,stype.description as SampleTypeT ,s.[Depth1] -- ,s.[Depth2] ,s.[Length] -- ,s.[CoreRun] -- ,s.[CoreLostFromTop] -- ,s.[Diameter] -- ,s.[Recovery] -- ,s.[RecoverySolid] -- ,s.[RQD] ,s.[Description] ,s.[Description2] ,s.[Liths] ,s.[Symbols] -- ,s.[Weathering] -- ,s.[WaterAbsorption] -- ,s.[AbrasionValue] -- ,s.[RockMassRating] -- ,s.[TestList] -- ,s.[LabCompanyId] -- ,s.[LabSampleNo] ,s.[LayerId] as LayerK ,layer.Description as LayerT -- ,s.[LayerId2] -- ,s.[EDepth1] -- ,s.[EDepth2] -- ,s.[FRef] -- ,s.[FRefCom] -- ,s.[FRefJob] -- ,s.[FRefBor] FROM [dbo].[Samples] as s INNER JOIN dbo.Points as p on s.PointId=p.PointId LEFT JOIN dbo.SampleTypes as sType on s.SampleType=stype.SampleType and stype.Setup='DK' LEFT JOIN dbo.Layers as layer on s.LayerId=layer.LayerId GO
Strata Expand source
/** lavet af Tom Birch Hansen ALTER view [dbo].[TBH_Strata] AS SELECT s.[PointId] ,s.[StratumId] ,p.PointNo ,p.PublicNo ,pj.ProjectNo ,s.[Interpretation] ,s.[Depth1] ,s.[Depth2] ,s.[LayerId] as LayerK ,l.Layer as LayerS --,l.SymbolNo as SymbolNo ,l.Description as LayerT ,s.[Description] ,s.[Liths] ,s.[Symbols] ,s.[Qac] ,s.[FRef] FROM [dbo].[Strata] as s inner join dbo.Points as p on s.PointId=p.PointId inner join dbo.Projects as pj on p.ProjectId=pj.ProjectId inner join dbo.Layers as l on s.LayerId=l.LayerId GO
Waterlevels Expand source
/** lavet af Tom Birch Hansen /** sidst opdateret d. 2017-08-21 CREATE view [dbo].[TBH_Waterlevel] as SELECT w.[IntakeId] ,i.Intake ,i.IntakeNo ,i.ReferenceLevel as indtag_Referencekote ,p.PointNo ,p.pointid ,p.PublicNo ,p.Synonym ,p.X1 ,p.Y1 ,pj.ProjectId ,pj.ProjectNo ,w.[ValueId] ,w.[Time] ,w.[ExtremeId] as ExtremeK ,wle.Extreme as ExtremeT ,w.[Depth] ,w.[Reading] ,w.[ReferenceLevel]-w.[Depth] as WLevel -- koten for grundvandet ,w.[Depth]-w.[ReferenceLevel]-p.[Z1] as Wdepth -- afstand fra boringens top dvs terræn og ned til vandstanden. ,w.[Temperature] ,w.[TemperatureAir] ,w.[Conductivity] ,w.[Salinity] ,w.[Reference] -- referencetekst for den enkelte pejling ,w.[ReferenceLevel] -- referencekoten for målingen ,w.[Correction] ,w.[VerticalRefId] ,w.[Fall] ,w.[Flow] ,w.[Pressure] ,w.[ProjectCode] ,w.[RoundNo] ,w.[MethodId] as MethodK ,wlm.Method as MethodT ,w.[SituationId] as SituationK ,waterlevelsituation.Situation as SituationT ,w.[CategoryId] as CategoryK ,wlc.Category as CategoryT ,w.[QualityId] as QualityK ,wlq.Quality as QualityT ,w.[SouCompany] ,w.[SouInitials] ,w.[Description] ,w.[Correction2] FROM [dbo].[WaterLevels] as w inner join dbo.Intakes as i on w.IntakeId=i.IntakeId inner join dbo.Points as p on i.PointId=p.PointId inner join dbo.Projects as pj on p.ProjectId=pj.ProjectId left join dbo.WaterLevelSituations as waterlevelsituation on w.SituationId=waterlevelsituation.SituationId left join dbo.WaterLevelExtremes as wle on w.ExtremeId=wle.ExtremeId left join dbo.WaterLevelMethods as wlm on w.MethodId=wlm.Methodid left join dbo.WaterLevelQualities as wlq on w.QualityId=wlq.QualityId left join dbo.WaterLevelCategories as wlc on w.CategoryId=wlc.CategoryId
Analysisvalue Expand source
CREATE view [dbo].[TBH_Analysisvalue] AS SELECT av.[AnalysisId] ,s.SampleId ,s.sampleno ,s.PointId ,p.PointNo ,p.PublicNo ,pj.ProjectNo ,pj.ProjectId ,am.Medium as mediumT ,am.MediumId AS mediumK ,s.Depth1 ,s.Depth2 ,i.Depth1 as indtagdybde1 ,i.Depth2 as indtagdybde2 ,s.IntakeNo ,s.SampleDate ,s.ReportDate ,s.ReportNo ,al.Laboratory as LaboratoryT ,pp.PhaseStart ,pp.Description as projektfaseBeskrivelse -- ,p.Z1-s.depth1 as Dybde1Kote -- ,p.Z1-s.depth2 as Dybde2Kote -- ,av.[Distance] ,av.[ParameterId] as ParameterK ,ap.Parameter as ParameterT ,av.[MethodId] as MethodK ,aMethod.Method as MethodT ,av.[Sequence] as Sequence ,av.[Attribute] as AttributeK ,aAtrib.Description as AttributeT ,av.[Value] ,av.[ValueText] ,av.[DetectionLimit] ,av.[Uncertainty] ,av.[UnitId] as UnitK ,aUnit.Unit as UnitT ,av.[Remark] ,av.[AnalysisDate] ,av.[SiteId] as SiteK ,aSite.Site as SiteT ,ag.GroupName as ParameterGroupK ,ag.Description as ParameterGroupT -- ,av.[LaboratoryId] -- ,av.[PreparationId] -- ,av.[PreservationId] -- ,av.[PackagingId] -- ,av.[FiltrationId] -- ,av.[FractionId] -- ,av.[QualityId] ,av.[Accredited] ,av.[Approved] ,av.[Retest] -- ,av.[JupiterId] as JupiterID ,av.[FRef] as anaFref ,av.[FRefCom] as anaRefCom ,av.[FRefJob] as anaREFJob ,av.[FRefBor] as anaREFbor ,av.[FRefLoc] as AnarefLOC ,av.[FRefNo] as AnaREFNO ,av.[FRefWSa] as AnaRefWsa ,av.[UncertaintyPct] as UncertaintyPct -- ,av.[JupiterId2] FROM [GeoGis2020].[dbo].[AnalysisValues] as av inner join [dbo].[AnalysisSamples] as s on av.SampleId=s.SampleId inner join dbo.Points as p on s.PointId=p.PointId inner join dbo.Projects as pj on p.ProjectId=pj.ProjectId left join dbo.AnalysisMedia as am on s.MediumId=am.MediumId left join dbo.Intakes as i on s.IntakeNo=i.IntakeNo and s.pointid=i.PointId left join dbo.ProjectPhases as pp on s.PhaseId=pp.PhaseId left join dbo.AnalysisLaboratories as al on s.LaboratoryId=al.LaboratoryId left join dbo.AnalysisParameters as ap on ap.ParameterId=av.ParameterId left join dbo.analysisGroups as ag on ap.GroupId=ag.GroupId left join dbo.AnalysisMethods as aMethod on aMethod.MethodId=av.MethodId left join [dbo].[AnalysisAttributes] as aAtrib on aAtrib.Attribute=av.Attribute left join dbo.AnalysisUnits as aUnit on aUnit.UnitId=av.UnitId left join [dbo].[AnalysisSites] as aSite on aSite.SiteId=av.siteid
PointStat - Statistik på punkter Expand source
-- forklaring: -- Cxxxx = count dvs antal CREATE VIEW [dbo].[TBH_pointStat] AS SELECT p.[PointId] -- pointid ,p.[PointNo] -- pointnumer ,p.[PublicNo] -- DGU nummer ,p.[Synonym] ,pr.[ProjectNo] -- projektnummeret --,pr.Location as jarlok -- jar-loknr --,pr.[Title] as ProjectTitle ,p.[ProjectId] , (select count(str.StratumId) from dbo.strata as str where str.pointid=p.pointid) as cStrata , (select count(q.sampleid) from dbo.Samples as q where q.pointid=p.pointid) as cSoilsample , (select count(q.sampleid) from dbo.Samples as q where q.pointid=p.pointid and isnull(q.sampletype,'')<>'O' and isnull(q.sampletype,'')<>'0') as cSoilsampleGeology -- antal poster med andet end typen 'o'=omrørt prøve i jordprøvetabellen , (select count(q.IntakeId) from dbo.Intakes as q where q.pointid=p.pointid) as cIntake , (select count(q.sampleid) from dbo.AnalysisSamples as q where q.pointid=p.pointid and q.MediumId=1) as cAnalysissampleSoil , (select count(q.sampleid) from dbo.AnalysisSamples as q where q.pointid=p.pointid and q.MediumId=2) as cAnalysissampleGW , (select count(q.sampleid) from dbo.AnalysisSamples as q where q.pointid=p.pointid and q.MediumId=3) as cAnalysissamplePoreluft , (select count(q.sampleid) from dbo.AnalysisSamples as q where q.pointid=p.pointid and q.MediumId=4) as cAnalysissampleRecipient , (select count(q.sampleid) from dbo.AnalysisSamples as q where q.pointid=p.pointid and q.MediumId=5) as cAnalysissampleDrikkevand , (select count(q.sampleid) from dbo.AnalysisSamples as q where q.pointid=p.pointid and q.MediumId=6) as cAnalysissampleIndeklima , (select count(q.testid) from dbo.[InsituVaneTests] as q where q.pointid=p.pointid) as cInsituVaneTests , (select count(q.pointid) from dbo.[penetrationtests] as q where q.pointid=p.pointid) as cPenetrationTests , (select count(q.pointid) from dbo.[cptpush] as q where q.pointid=p.pointid) as cCPTdata , (select max(depth1) from dbo.analysissamples as q where q.pointid=p.pointid and q.MediumId=1) as maxAnalysisDepth , (select min(depth1) from dbo.analysissamples as q where q.pointid=p.pointid and q.MediumId=1) as minAnalysisDepth , (select case when isnull(max(depth1),0)>isnull(max(depth2),0) then isnull(max(depth1),0) else isnull(max(depth2),0) end from dbo.samples as q where q.pointid=p.pointid) as maxSoilDepth -- max dybde af jordprøver , (select case when isnull(max(depth1),0)>isnull(max(depth2),0) then isnull(max(depth1),0) else isnull(max(depth2),0) end from dbo.strata as q where q.pointid=p.pointid) as maxStrataDepth -- max dybde af strata ,p.bottom , (Select max(bottom) from dbo.intakes as q where q.pointid=p.pointid) as maxIntakeBottom FROM dbo.Points as p INNER JOIN dbo.Projects as pr ON p.ProjectId=pr.ProjectId